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Scottsdale Sales Training, LLC | Scottsdale, AZ

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Brad Ferguson

Rarely does anything work out the first time, especially when you are dealing with yourself. However, the only thing you can change is yourself.

To do better, you have to change how you work instead of just doing the same thing you currently do for longer periods of time.

Actors act on purpose to get a reaction from the audience. Shouldn’t you do the same?

If you sound like the run-of-the-mill salesperson, you’ll be treated like the run-of-the-mill salesperson. Is this what you want?

If you decide to continue with a prospect, you are managing your time. If the prospect decides what to do, who is managing your time then?

How you prospect depends on your customer’s “time to buy again” cycle. Know it. Work with it. Be successful. Ignore it, fail.

What you find out is more important than why you found it out.

Absolutes tend to have more exceptions than Swiss cheese has holes. Don’t accept them.

To really understand what someone means, not what you hope he means, ask for clarification.

If you don’t know what the goal is, then anything you do is as good as anything else, regardless of how aimless and useless it might be. For how else to judge your actions?